Making a difference for others, because God is making a difference for us.
To create a safe, loving, and accepting place for all people to grow in their faith and spread love out into the beloved community.
Making a difference for others, because God is making a difference for us.
To create a safe, loving, and accepting place for all people to grow in their faith and spread love out into the beloved community.
Curry Garden Renovation Completed
About Us
We believe that Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of the triune God, came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us. We celebrate that love through sacramental liturgy, works of mercy, fellowship in community, and formation through prayer and education. We are part of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, which is a part of The Episcopal Church, which is in turn a part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. We believe that each sacrament can be available to all persons, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or other classification and believe that the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds are the sufficient statement of our faith. All are welcome and invited to be a part of this loving community. News & Events
ASH WEDNESDAY: Wednesday, March 5
7:00 AM Imposition of Ashes 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes Morning Prayer: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am. Every Wednesday, Holy Eucharist: Holy Eucharist begins at 5:15pm in the choir area of the church. This is a quiet, intimate celebration of the Rite I liturgy following the Calendar of the Saints. Supper, Song and Prayer at 6:00pm, followed by Compline at 6:45pm, on Wednesdays. Our offices are temporarily closed due to damage from Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Should you need pastoral care, please call Deacon Martha Goodwill at (727) 639-2123. Father Ryan Whitley’s mobile phone is (727) 685-9224. Senior Warden Mary Jane Park can be reached at (727) 409-5347. Parish Administrator Russ Martin can be reached at (904) 728-5485.
Sunday Services:
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II - (spoken) 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II - (choral) Guided by the Book of Common Prayer (1979), we worship by gathering in God’s name; hearing readings from Scripture following the Revised Common Lectionary and preaching that expounds upon them; by praying for ourselves and others, and exchanging the peace of Christ; and by presenting gifts to God, celebrating the Holy Eucharist, and sharing God’s gifts with all. If you have trouble finding the live-streamed service using the links below, there may be technical problems at the church. We are working hard to ensure reliable home viewing. Questions? Use this contact form.Quick Links |
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
1200 Snell Isle Blvd NE St. Petersburg, FL 33704 727-896-9641 office@stthomasstpete.org Temporary Mailing Address: PO Box 7177 St. Petersburg, FL 33704 |