How do Episcopalians worship?
Guided by the Book of Common Prayer (1979), we worship by gathering in God’s name; hearing readings from Scripture following the Revised Common Lectionary and preaching that expounds upon them; by praying for ourselves and others, and exchanging the peace of Christ; and by presenting gifts to God, celebrating the Holy Eucharist, and sharing God’s gifts with all.
“O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness…” ~Psalm 96:9 What are our services like?
Special Services
The first Sunday of every October we celebrate St. Francis' with a special blessing of pets, right inside the church during the 10 AM service!
Christmas is a special time at St. Thomas', full of beautiful adornments and joyous homecomings. Our family service is celebrated at 5 PM and our Candlelit Service at 9 PM.
The Annual Children's Easter Egg Hunt is always a hit! It begins at 9:15 AM in the Curry Garden, prior to the main 10 AM Easter Sunday service.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
1200 Snell Isle Blvd NE St. Petersburg, FL 33704 727-896-9641 Temporary Mailing Address: PO Box 7177 St. Petersburg, FL 33704 |